Arizona MG Club members and non-members may advertise used cars, parts or specialty tools in the monthly Morris Gazette club newsletter. Members receive up to one full page ad included in their membership. Non-members receive a one-eight (1/8th) page ad for a $20 / 3 issues advertising rate. Often, the newsletter can accommodate a larger ad and at the discretion of the newsletter editor, non-member ads may be printed larger at no additional cost.
Prepare a short classified advertisement in Microsoft Word format in which you describe the car, it's current condition, what recent work has been done to the car or needs to be done (if any), exterior and interior color, mileage, condition of the tires etc. Include a couple of pictures showing the cars condition. Be sure to list your personal contact information as the Arizona MG Club does not facilitate any aspect of the sale. If selling multiple parts or MG specific tools, compose photographs and/or list part specifics (ex: Moss Motors Chrome Bumper for ’59 MGA, or King Pin Removal Tool, MG T Series).
Once you have checked out and paid for this item, email your prepared advertisement along with phone and email contact information to The Morris Gazette is published at beginning of each month, but skips a monthly edition in the summer months.